Giulio Meotti, Gastautor / 13.09.2013 / 18:59 / 1 / Seite ausdrucken

Giulio Meotti: Good Jews, Bad Israelis

As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio had celebrated Rosh Hashana in local synagogues, he had voiced solidarity with Jewish victims of Iranian terrorism and co-written a book with a rabbi, Avraham Skorka. He attended a commemoration of Kristallnacht, the wave of Nazi attacks against Jews in November 1938.

But as this new letter shows, one of the grave dangers in the Vatican’s dialogue with Judaism is the Church’s attempt to drive a wedge between the “good” and docile Jews of the Diaspora and the “bad” and arrogant Jews of Israel.

Pope Francis has never addressed the Israelis in his messages, nor has he openly defended the Jewish State since he was elected by the college of the cardinals. It seems that there is no room for stubborn, faithful Zionists in the Pope’s lenient smile. In his speeches, Jewish national aspirations are ignored, if not denigrated.

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Markus Weber / 14.09.2013

Mark 12:17 CJB Complete Jewish Bible Yeshua said, “Give the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor. And give to God what belongs to God!” And they were amazed at him. If the pope, a cleric, refuses to temper with profane aspirations, it is sign of sanity. Should God, one day, who knows, decide to give a state to the Jews, I am sure he will do so splendidly. All they have got to do is live god-fearing lives and wait patiently. And if he, God, has already done so unnoticed by so many people who do not see the British government as god, the pope is just another ignorant. So what? The world is full of them.

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